Customizing the Office Assistants
You can customize the behavior of the Office Assistants.
The easiest way to delete them completely is by deleting the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Common \ Assistant
Note: You will have 9.0 or 8.0 depending on the version of Office you run
You can also create dword values and turn on or off the following selected features:
* Allow Most Tips - AsstAssistWithWizard = 1
* Disable Showing Office Assistant with F1 - AsstAssistWithHelp = 0
* Assistant Moves When In the Way - AsstMoveWhenInTheWay = 1
* Disable Mouse Tips - AsstMouseTips = 0
* Disable Context Sensitive Help - AsstGuessHelp = 0
* Disable Keyboard Tips - Delete AsstKeyboardShortcutTips
* Disable Feature Tips - AsstFeatureTips = 0
* Disable Tip of the Day - Delete AsstShowTipofDay
* Disable Office Assistant Help Messages - AsstAssistWithHelp = 0
* Show only High Priority Tips - AsstOnlyHighPriorityTips = 1